2012-04-08 @ 7:40 PM [김규종] 내일 오전 9시 고봉실아줌마구하기 방송협력에 참여하실 분들께서는 오전9시까지 용산 국립중앙박물관 용극장으로!! 규종씨 응원도구<모든지가능>를 가지고 모여주세요^^ThanKYU여러분들의 힘을 보여주세요! [Kim KyuJong] For those who will join for Saving Ajumma Go BongShil broadcast collaboration at 9am tomorrow, please come to YongSan National Museum of Korea, Yong Theatre before 9am!! Please come along with KyuJong's support tool ^^ Please show us the strength of ThanKYU!
joshrosemusic 2012-04-05 @ 1:26 PM @Kevinwoo91 @2kjdream you guys should buy scooters also then we can create the most awesome scooter gang of all time.